About Us

Lighthouse A.G Church

Join Our Mission to
Improve The Future For All

Who we Are

The Lord Jesus is the head of the church, which is composed of all His true disciples, and in Him is, vested supremely all power for its governance. According to His commandment, Christians are to associate themselves into particular churches: and to each of these churches He has given needful authority for administering that order, discipline and worship which He has appointed on to us.

Our Vision:

Preserve and uphold the Tenneths of Faith of the Holy Bible and the Assemblies of God Denomination and the propagation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (I Corinthians 15:58; Hebrew 13:1; and Psalm 133:1)

Our Mission:

To seek to represent the body of Jesus Christ and to strive to fulfill Christ’s Great Commission of the Church in the propagation of the Gospel to its fullness in the world at large (Ephesians 4:10-12; Matthew 28:18-20).

Brief Background of Church History

The Lighthouse Assembly of God Church (LAGC) was established in (insert month) 1994 in Momoh-Town, East Duala, Bushrod Island, Monrovia, Liberia, West Africa by an inspired servant of God, Pastor Stephen Ganawah. During this time, Liberia was faced with civic crisis and a fragile government with the citizens experiencing the worse effects of civic war including psychological emotions and in desperate need of mental and spiritual counselling. At this time in Liberia the fear of God was not presence in the lives of Liberians.

The LAGC underwent massive transition in leadership after two (2) years of its establishment, the transition of pastoring the church after the founding leader travelled to the United States of America was a major challenge that affected the Church growth and development. Pastors came for short-term and left until in June 2008 when Pastor Otis S. Borbor took over the church management. He didn’t leave but faced the challenges and difficult times with the church and its congregations and funder. From June/April 2008 to present Pastor Otis S. Borbor (referred to as Rev. Dr. Amb. Otis S. Borbor as he has achieved) remained in charge of the church leadership and functionalities that have achieved overtime growth and development of the Church.

Pastoral and Deacons Board


Rev. Dr. Amb. Otis S. Borbor

Senior Pastor


Min. Iking D. Howard

Associate Pastor

Min. Samuel S. Borbor Sr

Associate Pastor

Min. Jestina Sackor


Dea. George Kaines Jr

Deacon/G. Secretary


Mot. Mayama K. Borbor


Dea. Famatta Koryah


Meet our Elders

Sr. Paul F. Wannie



Sr. Ma. Ruth Tolbert


Sr. J. fallah Matthew


small efforts make big change

Join Our Mission to
Improve The Future For All

Contact Us

+231-777-990-970 | +231-776822525.
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